In this section we would like a moment to remember what came before R.E.L.I.V.E. and also provide you with a convenient place to download these relics if you're so inclined.
Please be aware that none of these tools are supported in any shape or form by the developers of this project and the intention is to make them completely obsolete. If something goes wrong; we're sorry, but you're on your own!

Paul's Level Editor
A level editor for AO and AE well known by all who practice the arcane art of creating custom levels for AO and AE.
Sprite / CAM Extractor
With this app you can extract the backgrounds and sprites of the games into individual images.
LVL Extractor / Builder
This app can deconstruct LVL files into their individual parts and then reconstruct them again.
Masher can convert videos to DDV format, which is used by the game's cutscenes.
Asset Tool
This tool can convert AE's cutscenes to mp4. It can also preview and export the sprites of both games. To use it, you need to place the level files of both AO and AE into one folder, along with the tool and ffmpeg.exe.