The battle continues, current progress is:
Overall Complete functions: 65.07 % (1912/2938)
Overall Complete instructions: 59.94 % (140498/234383)
This is a pretty huge jump from last time! This month MouzeDrift and Ultrastars3000 helped to name most creature motions and have also started to name the AI states. This massively reduces the time required to understand what a lot of code is doing.
Most “major” objects exist in some form in the code base now and in IDA. This gets a lot of the boiler plate sort of work out of the way for the most part.
All of the following objects had some progress, either stubbed out or more functions added:
NakedSlig - almost compete
Glukkon - almost complete
Also Nemin fixed some warnings when building with clang. Gibbons/Ultrastars and Mouze also updated some motion names and other misc changes. See check the pull requests for details. Even mlg appeared again for a second to add a tweak to the HookManager tool which is used for finding regressions.
Some more tooling was implemented to sync function names from the C++ back to IDA and others. More bugs raised, more bugs fixed. Probably a bunch more things happened that I since forgot about :).
Next month again there is no particular goal apart from to simply progress more functions on the above list of objects and any other objects that have not yet been started and to avoid getting heat stroke from this heatwave.
P.S For anyone in the discord server @everyone has been killed, you can thank me later :NightmareAbe: ;).
@everyone 1y