The current progress is:
Overall Complete functions: 80.70 % (2371/2938)
Overall Complete instructions: 80.03 % (187592/234383)
The functions/instruction ratio has become neck and neck this month due to many huge AI functions being implemented. Despite expecting low progress this month it seems to have been smashed out of the park again. Therefore I will make no prediction on next month ;).
Objects progressed:
- Fleech
- Bullet
- BulletShell
- FlyingSlig
- Scrab
- BirdPortal
- Slog
- Slig
- ParamiteWeb
- ParamiteWebLine
- Paramite
- MenuController
- Mudokon
- EvilFart
- GameEnderController
- SlogHut
- QuickSave internals
Varrok also contributed towards a couple of remaining Glukkon functions and a bug fix.
UltraStars3000 named pretty much every AI state in existence and named the constants passed the the SEQ playing function (SEQ are effectively music tracks). Also a scrab AI function was implemented and many more.
MouzeDrift raised a huge amount more bugs from testing as usual and also most of them have since been fixed. He also sent in a PR to tweak the build instructions and fix a bug.
I may have missed some contributions here but you can check the full details on the “insights” tab on the github repo for more details than you probably care for.
After checking the remaining functions I believe that a fair amount probably won’t need to be implemented. Therefore a fully complete standalone version may actually be possible around 92% rather than 100%.
Next month the plan is once again more of the same. Implement anything that can be done. I do suspect the final few functions to take some time to get right as many of the biggest or more difficult functions have been left till the end.
Paul M
DarkShadow also helped name some flying slig vars - forgot to mention this as it wasn’t in the github data, oops! 1y